Latest Meteorological report for: 89034
Station: 89034 Date 2025/3/14:00
- Station pressure: 958.9; MSLP: 991.6; PTND: 0.1 (5 (code table 200))
- T: -12.5
- Dew T: -19.6
- Wind Dir, Speed, Unit: 110 26 kts (anemometer)
- Cloud (oktas): 0
- Weather: Present: 37 (Blowing snow (or sand or dust)) / Past: 3 (Blowing snow (or sand or dust)), 3 (Blowing snow (or sand or dust))
Actual Synoptic Report:
AAXX 14004 89034 31930 01126 11125 21196 39589 49916 55001 73733 333 11100 21138 90563 92739 92836 92921
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Graph of station pressure (blue) and 1.5m temperature (red) and below that wind speed in knots (blue) and wind_direction (red).
The last 240 3-hour reports are shown, which is probably about 240/24*3=1 month, for a well-behaved station.
Created by at Fri 14 Mar 01:05:11 GMT 2025